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Monday, December 5, 2011


This list is a good way for you to check and see if your communication skills need imporvement.
If you feel that you might not be doing some of these skills you should think of how you can improve on the skill you you can communicate more affectively.

Top Ten Tips for Good
Interpersonal Communication Skills

1. Listen first. Communication is a two-way process;
getting your message across depends on understanding the other person.

2. Be interested in the people you are communicating
with. Remember people are more attracted to those who are interested in them,
and will pay more attention to what they are saying.

3. Be relaxed. Bad body
language such as hunched shoulders, fidgeting, toe-tapping or
hair-twiddling all give the game away.

4. Smile and use eye contact. It’s the most positive
signal you can give.

5. Ask questions. It’s a great way to show people that
you are really interested in them.

6. If the other person has a different point of view to
yourself find out more about why they have that point of view. The more you
understand the reasons behind their thinking the more you can understand
their point of view or help them to better understand your point of view.

7. Be assertive. By this we mean try to value their
input as much as your own. Don’t be pushy and don’t be a pushover. Try for
the right balance.

8. When you are speaking try to be enthusiastic when
appropriate. Use your voice and body language to emphasis this.

9. Don’t immediately try to latch onto something someone
has just said ... "oh yes that happened to me" and then immediately
go on and tell your story. Make sure you ask enough questions of them first
and be careful when / if you give your story so as not just to sound like its
a competition.

10. Learn from your interactions. If you had a really
good conversation with someone try and think why it went well and remember
the key points for next time. If it didn’t go so well - again try and learn
something from it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The importance of Sleep

Sleep the focus of everybody regardless of age. Sleep is the way to recharge your body and heal bones, muscles, and to improve your immune system. Sleep is the foundation of our lives, without it the world would live in caos. Imagine if you did not sleep for a day how would you feel? What about two days? A week? Well this is the problem for some younger adults and teens. Many teens in high school and college have experienced sleep deprivation due to homework or studying for a test. Well thats a problem you need sleep to be able to function so staying up late or all night studying is just as bad as not studying. Yeah you might do well on the test but what about the other classes that you have that day? Skip them, sleep through them, fight sleep and go to classes? Well it would just be the best to get a good night sleep and take the test even if you didn't study (I am not saying "don't" study) I'm saying a good night sleep will do you better than no sleep. Now the amount of sleep that you should get depends on your age:
New Born to 3 years old should get 12-18 hours of sleep
3 Year to 5 year olds should get 11-13 hours of sleep
5 year to 12 year old should get 10 -12 hours of sleep
12- 18 year olds should get 8.5 -10 hours of sleep
18 and up should get 7.5 - 9 hours of sleep

This is just rough and you should know that you can over sleep and thats just as bad as not sleeping. But it's not as common for majority of the population. There have been studies to show that the older population after retirement sleep less 3 - 5 hours a night. That works for them but they might also pick up sleep else where during the day through naps.

Just remember that sleep is important for your body and it will thank you. A good night sleep will increase your energy and allow you to stay mentally and physically awake through the day.
So all you students out there thinking of pulling an all nighter to study for that test think twice about what your body needs.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Food Pyramid

This is the new Food pyramid its different than the old one that had the different groups stacked on top of each other. The New Pyramid is now showing that each group is important but have sizes that are for showing the amount of that food group you should have a day. It is really important that children get the proper amount of each group to help with the growth of muscles and bones.

Physical Education

Well all you Physical Education teachers or Majors.
Here are some links to good PE sites:
Link to the NASPE Standards
Maryland Physical education and health association

Here is a link to an article that is really important it talks about the importants of Physical Education.
Thank you to the American Heart Assosiation.
Heres one from the CDC

Italian Miscommunication

Funny Vid on President Bush

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happiness and Laughter

Laughter is one of the best medicines that you could take. The average adult laughs about 15-30 times a day. Well whats happening to us? The average child laughs about 300-400 times a day. So you are telling me that the older we get the less laughter is allowed? Well laughter has been shown in studies to improve the health of sick people. So why wait to laugh when we are sick why not start now while we are healthy and prevent sickness. I will post some jokes and videos to let you laugh if you find some offencive or vulgar I'm sorry but I'm to make as many people laugh as possible so there should be a variety.

Here is one funny site that will keep you laughing for a couple of hours :)
This website has pleanty of jokes, pics,and movies to let you laugh. (Has stuff for all ages)

Post One

Well after 3 years in college I feel that I should put my Physical Educaion major and health minor to some good use. I will try and post health and Physical educattion topics on this site for you to help further your knowledge. Feel free to ask questions or give some information that you have learned.